The Future Looks BLEAK: New IPCC Climate Change Report Will HORRIFY You

2 years ago

My father worked all his life to get the people in power to listen. He was a research scientist for the EPA. working on air and water pollution. He told me he hated the politics of his job (no matter the party in charge) and how it got in the way of their work. I don't think the EPA will even exist soon as corporations hate regulations that help people and the planet, but cost them money. I miss him, but I am glad he is not here to see what is being done (or rather not done). We already have the knowledge of the dangers to come, yet where are the changes? What is the purpose of our legislative branches? To do nothing?

The time to act was 50 years ago, because the changes we're seeing today are the result of human actions, or lack thereof, in the 1970s. The time to act to affect change 50 years from now is right now. You can't think in terms of instant results, the way Capitalists think of instant gratification. You're dealing with large and complex ecosystems that take time to respond to changes. Environmental damage did not happen overnight, so it's not going to be fixed overnight either. Neoliberals might be out to brunch, but the rest of us have got work to do.

The environment has always been my NUMBER ONE issue! ALWAYS! I have wondered? WHY DON'T MORE PEOPLE CARE!!!? Now I have given up hope. The activist are fighting to end abortion or fight masks and vaccine mandates. Not many Greta Thunbergs. I am sad to watch a planet I love destroyed and wasted by a few rich egomaniacs. Such is the human creature. Turns out the worse thing the planet ever created!

I feel sad for my child and all the world's children inheriting this environmental and political catastrophe. As an aside, this is one of my favorite videos you have done because you have essentially opened my mind to even more facts than those typically publicized on climate change, and to the reality of what children all over the world will endure. Thanks mike! Great video!

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