Little Gods in the End Times Battle: Wide is the Gate Volume 3

2 years ago

It is more Relevant TODAY than ever...This final Volume features the Hyper Charismatic and Pentecostal Movements represented by a variety of names and leaders. This supposed “new move of the Holy Spirit” coined as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is also known as Third Wave, Manifest Sons of God, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Word of Faith, Fresh Fire, and has many other names!

Poignant testimonies of former members recount the subtle ways they were enticed into believing they were part of something “new” God was doing, only to come to the sober realization that they had been ensnared by unholy spirits. Through careful Biblical analysis, well-known experts help unravel the tragedy of growing deception in the Church masquerading as Revival, Renewal, and vibrant New Christianity.

This volume covers the following topics:

–The Holy Spirit
–Gifts of the Holy Spirit
–Five Fold Ministry
–God Chasers and Mystery Schools
–Mystical Divine Within
–Little Gods in the End-Times Battle

(See article for additional Documentation) It speaks to the UNbiblical movements sweeping the World, America and the Church. A great deception... Cue the movie.

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