Line-Art made simpler with Krita 2.0

2 years ago

In this video you’ll learn how to use line art in a much simpler way, for example when you want to switch between an eraser preset and an ink preset, you can toggle with this switch [/] just to quickly switch between presets

*Converting your sketch to bright blue tones if you want a better visibility of your final line-art, while inking over your sketch

* Stabilizer in toolbar
* Transformations
Correcting a proportion or moving a part of your drawing at the inking part is often difficult.
You can trasnform your Inking layer, but it's hard to repeat the same action ( especially with complex transformation ) for the layers under.
If you group all your layers ; and apply the transformation on the group ; you'll be able to deform all the layer with a single action.
If you want to protect a specific layer from the recursive transformation, just 'lock' it before.

* Speedlines
You can create amazing speedline effect with Krita.
Create another layer ; Select the 'Ruler Assistant Editor' ; display your 'tool option docker' to select 'Parrallel Ruler'.
Click on the canvas to create a new widget.
Then go back to the brush tool , and in the tool option activate the 'Assistant' checkbox.
Now all your lines should be parrallel to your ruler.
You can do various line width with your pen pressure.
When it's over, delete the ruler widget with the 'Ruler Assistant Editor' tool.
You can now transform your line to bring an additional fluid movement to them.

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