PCP Wales 22nd February 2022

3 years ago

Concerned parents marched through Cardiff for Public Child Protection Wales about the RSE sex education program. The justified fears are it will sexualize children and can make them targets from predators who look to groom children for sexual acts.



Meet The Team


We are a not-for-Profit organisation who came together in July 2020 with the aims of bridging the gap within the welfare system and of improving Children's services, including the education system.

Our current campaign 'Education Our Say Our Way' is fighting to remove RSE from the mandatory element of the Curriculum and Assessment Act 2021. This subject is part of a global rollout and educators are to look for guidance from the UNESCO 2018 document -'Revised International Guidance on Sexuality Education'

Our extensive research and fields of expertise have led us to investigate the history behind this Comprehensive Sexuality Education and have given us a huge insight into the nature of the current education taking place in 52 countries where it has already been passed.

Please refer to our Website for more information

The RSE has recently been passed in Wales and despite numerous emails, messages and conversations with members of the Senedd and local authorities our findings were ignored by many. We therefore have no choice but to take them to court. They are responsible for letting this into our country despite their knowledge that this education is not fit for any school child.

We need your help.

We have the knowledge, an incredible case, plenty of evidence and a top-class legal team.

Furthermore, we need the funds to make this happen. Our organisation relies on supporters, volunteers and donations.

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