Attempt to prove Bible Changes PT 2 - Mandela Effect (please see description)

2 years ago

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Mar 4, 2022
Guy Fauqes
Part 1

(Note: This Mandela Effect has affected me profoundly that lead to a near death experience back in 2019 and three days in the hospital. Just two days previous I met with my church Pastor and hoped that our meeting would have led with a meeting with the bishop and so-forth to relay my concerns. I am also still waiting for a response to my October 7, 2021 letter regarding the COVID genocide agenda and informed consent info. I guess the fact that the chalice disappeared on the Da Vinci Last Supper painting and now has thirteen modern shot glasses isn’t relevant? My premonition of the third secret of Fatima doesn’t matter or my concern that “Lion” was changed to “Wolf” in Isaiah 11:6 and countless other bible changes don’t matter? I tried following proper protocol through my Pastor and recently to our bishop regarding the COVID mandates and both times falls to deaf ears. No one listens whatsoever and ignored as some kind of a nutcase by everyone.

Interesting I am in total spiritual peace because of taking heed to these warnings and was successful removing a demonic attachment in 2019, I had since my childhood. When disclosure comes out that will reveal the true nature of the evil around us, people in general are not going to be really for it. They will lose their minds. This brings me to the reason I am posting this particular Mandela Effect mirrored video, “For when they cry, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Now, exchange “peace and safety” with “safe and effective” … do you get my meaning? When people find out what exactly was injected into their bodies and to what ends, they will lose their minds. What excuse is the Catholic church going to use that promoted this gene altering therapy drug with absolutely ZERO informed consent or proper testing?

There have been thousands of bible changes, mostly the King James version. I don’t mean a new edition; I mean your bible sitting on your shelf for decades supernaturally changed. Anyway, these two links below I provided to prove to you that “cry” in Thessalonians 5:3 has disappeared in every single bible edition in the world regardless what age the bible is (see first link). Now, even if you don’t remember “cry” and think that I am crazy, now check the second link for How do you explain “cry” now being referenced in past material quotes? If it was always supposedly “say” or “saying” in the bible throughout history, why is there residue evidence showing “cry”? Wake up, we are in the end times.

King James Bible
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

"When they cry peace and safety"

"When they cry peace and safety"
I also used the Trudeau Tweedle Dumb meme as inserted in my video thumbnail that has the propeller hat residue, just as I always remembered throughout my life. However, now Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb apparently never wore propeller hats. See link below. Are you ready to wake up?

So, what was the point of the artist creating the original meme with the propeller hat to covey Tweedle Dumb if the propeller never existed and instead Tweedle Dee has a dumb flag hat like his twin?

As in typical Cabal fashion, they made sure a dumb movie, “The Mandela Effect” was made to mess up the search engines and to just suggest that the Mandela Effect is a conspiracy theory derived by kooks. They are making fun of us, but all their lies and deceptions are going to be exposed. Marcum

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(As a devoted Catholic, as more true nature of the evil around us is revealed it actually enforces our beliefs in God and as Christians. I have heard not one word from Canadian Bishops against the tyrannical Trudeau government or support towards freedom-loving Canadians. Most comments ask why I simply just leave the faith as a Catholic because I am so critical of our present Catholic leadership, especially the pope. My response is, I am not going nowhere, it is the evil infiltrators that have to leave the church (physically and spiritually). It is the evil satanic politicians, corrupt medical establishment, big tech manipulators, and church leaders that sold their souls for power and money that will be exposed and held accountable…either in this world or in the Courts of God.) Marcum

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