Serbia: Wars of Liberty (Age of Empires 3 Mod) Let's Play

2 years ago

One of the many nations added in Wars of Liberty are the Balkan Nation-States which are Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. We covered Bulgaria, but this video is about Serbia, it has the ability to set it's buildings on fire to damage the enemy and deny them of experience. As a Balkan Power it ages up through politicians it can choose at the Barracks, Artillery Foundry, Stable, Market, and Hunting Lodge. It's unique units are the Konjanik and the Chetnik. It also has access to the Marauder (a horseman armed with a torch), the Balkan Skiff unit Chayka, and a archaic musketeer called the Seiman.

The mod can be found on ModDB.

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0:00: This is Serbia, another Eastern European nation state added in Wars of Liberty. There is also Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece.

1:15: There was a group called the Black Hand in Serbia that started WWI by assinating Archduke Ferdinand

2:38: Serbia can set fire to it's own buildings as a unique ability.

3:11: Instead of Belgrade I decided to name my home city Bel Air, I originally wanted to name my city Belmarsh after the prison that held famed whistleblower Julian Assange but decided against it.

3:53: We already did Orthodox and Babtist in previous games so I chose Laicism

6:10: I have no idea what kind of border guard organizations existed historically. But the US has something called ICE nowadays.

6:45: He's either saying robots or no pants.

7:19: A mineshaft is roomier than that hole Saddam was found in.

7:30: I hope that hoeing isn't a thinly veiled slang for becoming a prostitute. It sounds like it though.

8:12: We need some cavalry.

9:31: That was a good hit.

10:08: The River monitor fires two shells at once, and is a heavy hitter.

12:13: It takes awhile before he surrenders.

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