People's Convoy Calls Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman Federal "Paid Actors" in Ignorant Outburst Unlisted Video

2 years ago

Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman arrived at the site of the 2022 People's Convoy in Hagerstown, Maryland with a pilot car to attempt to help the truckers have their voices in heard in Washington DC—rather than languishing on an empty lot in the middle of nowhere.

This came as it was revealed that the ostensible leader of the Convoy Leigh Dundas, who had raised more than $1.6M to hold the protest in Washington DC, had disappeared with the money, taking down the official website in the process.

Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman attempted to reason with members of the convoy via CB radio, to no avail. [FOOTAGE FROM BREITBART NEWS]

Follow Jacob Wohl on Telegram for updates: https://T.Me/JacobAWohl

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