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The Thought Police

3 years ago

The thought police are coming
Though you have done no crime
They tell you, you have evil thoughts
You do it all the time
You must pretend that all is well
You must shut your bloody eyes
You must ignore the stuff you know
Say you believe the gender lies

Chorus. They will tell you what to think
They will tell you what to say
They will prescribe your reading
And tell you must pray
And bow down to the gender gods
Policed by local cop
Big brother’s really watching you
And they will never stop

The thought police are coming
They’re coming to your homes
To tell you sex has naught to do
With those old-fashioned chromosomes
The cops say it is feelings
They’ve done the bloody courses
They won’t believe the science
Even with the proper sources.

The thought police are coming
To make sure you comply
They tell you 2 and 2 is five
They’ll make you tell the lie
They’ll tell you as they twist your arm
That science is so passé
As they take away all women’s rights
Because men must have their way.

The thought police are coming
Don’t tell them your boy likes pink
They’ll send them off to mermaids
And take you off to clink
Don’t tell them that your girl likes blue
Or that she might be a dyke
They’ll tell you, you don’t know your kids
And then the bastards strike

The thought police are coming
But we will never bend
We’ll fight them, yes, we’ll fight them
Until the bitter end

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