Judgement will hit America the Babylon!!!!

2 years ago

America is Babylon and so wicked that God can't stand it anymore!!! America will be destroyed by earthquake that will rip the west coast apart, volcanoes will erupt, tsunami will crash into the east coast and many will drown, Russia, china, Iran, North Korea will attack America with missiles and will come into America and kill everyone they see!! This is God judgement of America for being so haughty, for removing Him from the government, churches, schools, people curse God and use His name in vain, black hateful people say black lives matter and kill everyone they see and steal and are full of hate, churches are so lukewarm that many do not care about God at all they care more about themselves and staying in sin and having their ears tickled, gays, lesbians, trans parade the streets and are in churches now, America is so wicked that it will be destroyed and those who truly follow Jesus will be snatched out of this wicked world before God pours out His wrath!!, There will be no more America anymore for america will be crushed with the wrath of God and there is nothing anyone can do!! God destroyed jersalem after the Jews rejected God so He sent the Babylonians to destroy jersalem and they killed people and took Jews as slaves and 4 men were taken and they were Daniel and his friends, nations rise and nations fall and God is using Putin to serve out His judgements on America!! Ukraine is just a fake war but it will come to America and will hit so very hard and I had dreams bombs hit America and no one had any time to hide or anything!! It came down so very fast and many died and the Chinese and Russians came into America and killed everyone they saw and took prisoners and they will not be nice at all!! They will be ruthless and it will be America judgement from God!! Judgement is here and many act like life will go on but it will not and the only ones who are safe are those who are in the rapture!! Everyone else will not be safe!! Judgement is here!!

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