Fertilizer is the most peaceful weapon in wars!

2 years ago

“Fertilizer is the most peaceful weapon in wars!”

The EU’s Farm-to-Fork program demands farmers not farm all their land in order to continue receiving subsidies (required to be economically viable). The more they don’t cultivate the more money they get.

Germany‘s agriculture minister Özdemir has confirmed that the EU‘s reforms are to remain in force despite the fact that Ukraine/Russia’s grains, seeds and fertilizer have been cut off.

German farmers are outraged. You do not have to speak his language to feel this man’s passion or understand the urgency and insanity of the situation.

Some of his words translated:
“In the midst of such a catastrophe, green eco-fanaticism… is putting ecological madness before human lives!”

"Hunger is murder, Herr Özdemir!”

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