This Hurts!

3 years ago

This Hurts! Has something happened in your life where you feel so hurt by it, you can’t even breathe? You feel sick inside by a horrific decision someone made that hurt so many, that hurt children? Feel like there is not a way back from this? People hurt people, and then hurt people react to those who have hurt them. It makes the family a battle ground of emotions, wounded hearts and people estranged from people. At times it feels not fixable, so we walk away, sometimes alienated for months, sometimes for years, sometimes forever on this side of heaven. Forgiveness is not an easy option for someone who has done something you don’t feel they can come back from. Is forgiveness a feeling? No! Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a followship of Jesus. We betrayed Jesus, we hurt Jesus, we wounded Jesus, we killed Jesus. Jesus loved us like He had never been hurt by us, like we never even wounded Him. “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do!” Jesus made the choice to forgive and He acted on it and went to the cross for us, died our death, taking our death sentence, our sins on Him, so we could live free. Unforgiveness begets bitterness, and bitterness becomes a root of evil in us. This is the trap of the enemy. Side step it. Forgive that person who has devastated your family life and let go and let God work out the way to reconciliation. Forgiveness is our choice; reconciliation is God’s echo to our forgiving. Sometimes forgiveness is a moment-to-moment thing. We have to keep forgiving from every moment to every choice. We have to decide to make the next right choice. People hurt people, but it doesn’t have to end there, it can continue with people forgiving people. The only way UP from a bitter broken heart is bowed DOWN before God, surrendering every feeling, right and hurt we have to Him, and giving Him permission to mend our heart. Yes, it hurts to get hurt, but then you have to make the next right choice. If everyone makes bad choices out of bad choices, then all we have is human badness. We have to make the choice to love, even though we have been so hurt, pressing forward and fighting for what is right, to respond with what is right. Wounded people, hurt people, but people who are wounded by hurting people don’t have to do the same. I find myself at this crossroad. What choice will I make? I have not reacted well to a “this is devastating” situation in my family. I don’t believe there is a way back from this hurt, I can’t see a way back to forgiveness, to family reconciliation. This is my crossroad decision: My only way UP is bowed DOWN to the ONE Who did make the right choice, to love even though He had been hurt. Jesus, The King Of Heaven. Humbly Bow. Make the next right choice. Bow. Surrender To God. Dig Deeper:

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