Petrov K.P. Major-General | 2004 | General Conception of Public Safety | Ideology types 3/20

2 years ago

Anti Great Reset
Major-General Petrov has served in Airspace Military till 1993 and after USSR collapse he has developed special instructions how to understand and resist global mafia and they methods of the human control and enslavery.

He has died in 2009 shortly after the meeting with US journalists...
He has preducted Russia-Ukranian conflict,

Predicted Great Reset Agenda and New World Order planned by Swiss based Mafia

In that series of 20 videos he presented:

"Everything that we are taught in schools and universities is nonsense! Elections and the work of the government are a game in the sandbox. And only a few know the truth preserved from the time of the Ancient Egyptian priesthood, and these units rule the whole world. Doubt? Watch the lecture of Major General Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov, who used to launch missiles at Baikonur, and now shares the knowledge that is hidden from us throughout the history of mankind."

Please, use online translator to translate it live.
I'll try to do subtitles asap.

Viva la resistance!

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