Scott Morrison Triple Jabbed Gets Covid So They Say.

2 years ago

Morrison gets shot up three times with the Pfizer Bioweapon. 2021.

Then comes down with Covid 2nd March 2022?

First they tell us the Vaccine is safe and effective.

It will stop you getting Covid and spreading it.

Get the 2nd Shot (fully vaccinated) or you can't work travel and live.

Get the third jab "Up To Date" and it will keep you from severe disease and keep you out of ICU. Then comes...4th 5th 6th 7th until your immune system is shot and your dead.

The Government/Big Pharma narrative and goalposts (The Science) forever changes.

Now to accommodate a mostly Vaccinated population who inevitably are falling out with adverse reactions and a steady death toll because of the experimental gene therapy shot and the poison that it is.

Can we (Government) account for sickness or deaths amongst vaccinated without ever mentioning "Vaccines" well yes we can they all died from Covid or Long Covid cause we say so. Population buys in through fear and ignorance.

What a CON JOB is this Covid story. All to get you medicated for a virus that has never been isolated and has a 99 percent survival rate for most people with a healthy natural immune system.

This little stunt with Morrison is just to PROP UP the latest narrative from Big Brother. The Booster/Boosters will keep you from severe disease and out of ICU.

Total BS....

UN 17Sustainability goals 2030 Agenda + World Economic Forum
The Great Reset is to continue with a Georgia Guidestones depopulated population to 2030.

Genocide, Democide, Eugenics. Murder with a fast/slow kill shot.

All this will continue till the King James Bible "Great Tribulation Days" when God in Heaven will rain down Climate change like this world has never seen the likes of in Judgment of Wicked Sinful men.

Number of his name at play. The numbers of the beast man.

Barack Hussein Obama. 84.61. 666 216 Rev 13:18

Rev Chapter 13 14 15 King James Bible.

Movie Pi Faith In Chaos 1998
Wikipedia number 216.

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce tests positive to Covid 19 goes into isolation
9th December 2021 in the USA.

+ 84 Days (Obama born 8.4)

= PM Scott Morrison test positive to Covid19 goes into isolation 2nd March 2022.

Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews attends a party on Saturday 11th December 2021 with a potential covid exposure.

Wednesday 15th December 2021 he is told to isolate and get tested.
Friday 17th December 2021 he is cleared as negative Covid.


+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= Scott Morrison tests positive to Covid 19 goes into isolation 2nd March 2022

Scott Morrison announces Astra Zeneca as Australia's first Covid vaccine contract for 25 Million Australians to be dosed.
Said this day that it would be mandatory. 18th August 2020.

Victoria new cases of covid that day was 216. 18.8.2020

+ 13 Days 18 Months (Revelation 13:18)

= 2nd March 2022 PM Scott Morrison comes down with Covid.

So They SAY...

What a TIMELINE. Masonic Rituals "Live on TV...


Get a Evidence Bible today and make Heaven life eternal.

Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

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