Indian position ASSERTED!

3 years ago

Its VERY necessary to know "a few million SM/MSM 'voices' are NOT "THE WHOLE WORLD".
Its also necessary to know not everything you see, is what really is.
A substantial MAJORITY can give a successful illusion of "ALL".

When you can really see between the very blurred lines today, youre a mature observer.
Recognising Putin is not the "cause" of this war can take RESEARCH..the mortal enemy of the lazy individual.
You may just hate communism/socialism yet not recognize that MANY COUNTRIES use hybrid principles to succeed.
Theres cronyism in Communisn just as there is in capitalism.
The 'application' and degrees of consideration and adaptation count.
Even thinkers like Chris Hani recognized these issues. Mandela was an example of "CRONY COMMUNISM" one can clearly see while the 'whole world' LAUDED him..he was the #1 of "cadre deployment" leading to socio-economic collapse & increased racism in South Africa.
27 years and South Africa faces total collapse in under a decade if ANC is not removed from governance.

On the flipside is China..mainline Communist but has imbibed every capitalist principle bent to its advantage. Now a surging hybrid in many ways, its successes are visible.

So..things are 'relative'.

Because you can recognize that US NATO are COMPLICIT in a serious number of "crimes" embellished for millions as 'democracy' does not mean you "hate the west". It simply means that your mental faculties are still intact in the midst of MSM mindbombing, which has reached nuclear proportion as the sane will notice.

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