3 years ago

This poison was mandated by our government. They wanted everyone to get "vaccinated"... Now the TRUTH is being revealed, and it's bad. It's actually worse than you can ever imagine if you don't know about how toxic the jabs are. It's utterly breathtaking.

This isn't "conspiracy theory" this document is from Pfizer itself! This is why they never advertised the "vaccine" the disclaimer at the end of the advertisement would take an hour to repeat.

This is why the vaccine inserts were blank. This is why there was never any true "INFORMED CONSENT". Before 10% of the adverse effects were read out, NO ONE would have taken the "vaccine" by choice. Unless you are a braindead moron.

This is only the tip of the spear, more is coming and there is nothing that can stop the avalanche of data that is going to be revealed to the world.

People are going to lose their minds. Not the unvaccinated, but the vaccinated. They are all going to realize that if they got the actual vaccine instead of the placebo, (it could be anywhere between 10-30%) they will lose their minds and lash out at those who were in authority that forced this crap on them in order to keep their jobs, or just shop or fly or even visit their relatives in the hospital.

Everyone who were Supervisors, Foremen, Owners of businesses who forced their employers to get jabbed are going to be hunted down by the vaxxed.

I'm unvaxxed. I knew this crap was poison the day it came out. I guess the vaccine was truly an IQ test. If you took the vax willingly, you failed.

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