( -0314 ) In How Many Deaths Are They Missing This Cause?

2 years ago

Dying From A Murder Weapon We're Not Allowed To Find - How Many?

(The Highwire Bob Saget & Healther MacDonald Head Injuries - Jab Syncope Episodes Are Talked About As If they're No BIG Deal. This is Not To Be Questioned Yet I've personally experienced Syncope, many modern tasks and movements are completely out of the question, and injury and death are very possible if one is not attended to? So if this is a common condition, even reflecting 1/1000 of the vaccinated, then how can the Jab be called safe, even considering only this?)

A crime was committed. But who's the criminal? Jussie Smollet accused someone else But he left behind a container of bleach and it was found by a reporter. She couldn't report it to just anyone, because of the politics in the Chicago Justice System. (Justice for Jussie). Similarly, swirling around the vaccines is a mental programming that makes it very hard to get resources to investigate, and then report findings on the criminal acts. Every step is met with resistance despite it being sometimes obvious where connections lie.

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