Meta’s COVID “Fact Checkers” Paid By Pfizer & Soros, 3804

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

First of all, our apologies for being absent for several days. We received some sort of weird computer virus that overloaded our systems with giant files of information that we could not delete. Although we aren’t completely out of the digital woods yet, we will try to get this short report out while we continue to work the problem.

According to TrialSite News, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, now Meta, has engaged with professional fact-checkers to “effectively and safely combat rampant information”, especially as it pertains to COVID-19 and health-related issues.

I thought COVID-19 was finally over. Hmmmm, could it be that they know something that we don’t know – like a new double-death virus on the horizon courtesy of the Wuhan Virology Lab?

Apparently, the first tier of fact-checking is done my A-I driven algorithm. It detects videos and posts with health claims and then directs users to a new Meta-endorsed Corona Virus Information Hub, or CVIH. According to Meta’s website the CVIH works closely with the top health sources, like the World Health Organization – you know, the same outfit that was one of the early primary sources of untruthful COVID propaganda?

Facebook wants to closely monitor topics like alternative treatments, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine adverse events reporting.

Despite Facebook’s assertions of being fair and balanced – better known in company parlance as “non-partisanship”, there are some very suspect funders of this work – like #1, Pfizer!!!

So once some potential mis-information concerning anything COVID is flagged by their algorithm, it apparently is handed over to Facebook’s independent third-party fact-checkers who are dubbed highly qualified by something called the International Fact-Checking Network or IFCN.

In the recent past, truly independent journalists have questioned who funds the IFCN. According to TrialSite News, Facebook’s so-called independent third-parties:

“… are inappropriately linked to the pharmaceutical industry, several corporate media outlets, and highly-influential members and supporters of the Democratic Party.”

So with the IFCN busying itself with deleting content on the back end of journalism – the products of truly independent reporting - another organization has sprung up to prevent the high crime of truthful reporting from ever happening in the first place. It is called the International Center for Journalists or ICFJ.

Now first of all, I want to state emphatically that I am not a journalist. I am a reporter. Journalists come from “J” schools where they are trained – in general to follow the company line. Nope, I’m a reporter – worked my way up from a small county weekly to the exhalted position I now hold as banned from YouTube for the sin of reporting on a WHO press release that stated that the WHO would no longer endorse vaxxs for children – something the rest of the world is finally going to accept as medical truth.

So this International Center for Journalists has not contacted me for membership, and I’m not upset about it at all because this is what they are up to, according to their website. They want to serve the community – which means the entire planet, of course - by:

“….training, mentoring, fellowships and financial support in investigative journalism, critical-issues reporting, media innovation and business sustainability, as well as cutting-edge research and resources.’

But here is the riotous part. Under their Financial Transparency page, there is no listing for 2021 at all. Their 2020 entry does not include a section for “Friends and Supporters”, but all of that used to exist in their 2019 edition.

So for some strange reason, they have been getting less and less transparent with each passing year. How come?

It’s a natural question for an untrained, yet naturally inquisitive reporter to ask.

Well, the ICFJ in 2019 admitted that it was a lead sponsor of something called the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication, which:

“… trains journalists to work for the CCP -run media outlets.”

You know our friendly COVID-19 virus manufacturers and worldwide distributors.

But it gets worser, faster. In the welcome letter penned by the Tsinghua School of Journalism’s Dean, he flatly states the school’s political persuasion:

“Firstly, we should be committed to a firm and correct political orientation. Our school has been actively exploring the theory and practices of Marxist Journalism, namely, to applying the Marxist theory in observing the world, selecting and handling news production.”

Well, the only thing that is surprising to this reporter is that they would admit this so openly!

But wait – wait – it gets even better.

Guess who provides the money to this International Center for Journalists? The Open Society Foundations, founded by George Soros. According to TrialSite news, last year, alone - 2021:

“Soros gave roughly $126.8 million to democratic campaigns and organizations.”

One more connection, the President and CEO of one of the world’s largest news agencies, Reuters - until he stepped down in 2020, as COVID was blooming like a black thundercloud on the western horizon – a man named James C. Smith – was a Director at Pfizer since 2014. Smith, however, still serves on the board of the World Economic Forum – or WEF.

Finally, if you watch over an hour of TV per day, you know how much advertising big pharma buys from the big networks.

But it doesn’t stop there. Incredibly, according to TrialSiteNews:

“Regulatory agencies like the FDA also depend on direct fees from Big Pharma, which account for approximately 45% of their budget.

“… hospitals are advised only to utilize patented Big Pharma drugs for COVID-19 and are compromised by the U.S. government’s relief act that provides an extra 20% premium for COVID-19 Medicare Patients.”

Yes, your tax dollars go to paying hospitals an extra 20% tacked on for using some of THE most expensive drugs – as well as least effective drugs against COVID-19.

As TrialSite News summed up:

“With the fact-checkers so closely aligned with the drug-makers and healthcare establishment, the question arises: who fact-checks the fact-checkers, and who watches the watchers?”

Well, folks, I wonder who that could be? Those who simply call themselves, reporters.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom, good day.

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