"Exodus" October 17, 2021

2 years ago

Sermon Text: Exodus 1:1- 15:21

Exodus Chapters 1-15:
Questions for reflection and/or discussion.
1. What are some ways in which the deception of the Hebrew midwives, which brought God’s blessing upon them, can be misapplied in the course of justifying ungodly conduct?
2. What parallels can we draw between the realities of life experienced by the Hebrews as they waited for the deliverance God had promised, and the realities of life that Christian saints experience as they wait for the promised deliverance of death or the Last Day?
3. What conclusions can we draw about “the hardening of the heart” from Pharaoh’s trajectory in the narrative? And what was the final outcome of this, according to chapter 14? And what encouragement can be found in that final outcome, in the face of ministry challenges today?
4. Several times in the narrative, the Lord “made a distinction” between His people and the people of Egypt. What applications might be made of this relative to Christian saints living in the world today?
5. How do we see the reality and result of the atonement wrought by Jesus Christ, foreshadowed in the Passover?
6. In the context of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Hebrews were forbidden to eat anything containing yeast. And, anyone who ate yeast in violation of this command was to be “cut off”—expelled from the community of Israel. Why was this so important? And how might this apply in the context of the Church today?

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