The myth of "just push harder"

2 years ago


Contrary to popular opinion and to the advice of many life coaches, one surefire way to fail any project, including your day to day life routine, is to "just keep pushing harder." This over-popularized notion of pushing yourself into oblivion stems from our rat race, rush culture with slogans like "sleep when you're dead" - "work hard play hard" - etc.

Made to keep us in a state of hyper-productivity and no rest, this is unsustainable and disregards any realistic balance of health and personal optimization.

Getting enough regular sleep, taking routine breaks to rest throughout the day are some of the healthiest habits we can implement into our lives. We are all different in that some of us function well with less hours of sleep than others but the overall goal is to know yourself, and how your mind and body functions best so as to maintain your life balance in an optimal way. To let things flow in your desired direction rather than forcing them is the way of nature. When we embrace this philosophy and practice it in our own lives, a natural harmony takes place.

The sprint and spike of the "just push harder" method is quite ineffective and incomparable with the ease and flow of the "listen to your inner self" method when it comes to sticking to a plan and/or any project.

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