Investing in Unprecedented Times - Maryann Pousette Gebauer BSc. MBA

2 years ago

Maryann Pousette Gebauer, Mar 3/22 interview on Investing in Unprecedented Times and the precarious position of Canadian’s.

Maryann was formerly an investment advisor with Nesbitt Burns and Scotia McLeod. She transitioned to business consulting and has worked across various sectors and countries. Her work has encompassed economics, finance, stock markets and the real estate market. She spent two years recently living in Oxford, and had the privilege of attending countless lectures and meeting world leaders and experts across every discipline. Maryann has thoroughly studied the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset agenda. She also relies on a large roster of international economists, historians, investment and technocracy experts to guide her. Investment principles she once relied on are important as she formulates strategies to face these unprecedented times.

"The greatest challenge is that we are in uncharted territory. Given that the game has changed so dramatically, it is critical that all investors take a defensive position. Core conservative positions that I used to recommend for my clients are now risky. Now is the time to be inquisitive and proactive. Investors need to reassess their assumptions, strategies, and vulnerabilities. Investors must scrutinize their positions and investments, and plan prudently. Decisions made now will have a profound impact on your financial future. Complacency is dangerous.”

PDF of Reset Investment Strategies:

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