A Sqaw Karen Pastor Preaches to Karen Refuges Before a Bible Distribution

2 years ago

20,000 Sqaw Karen Bibles funded by Biblia Global were distributed from November 2021 - Feb 2022. There were a number of different Sqaw Karen groups who received these Bibles. Each of these groups were hungry for the Word of God in their heart language and were overjoyed to receive what they had been praying for! One of the groups who received Bibles are Sqaw Karen refuges who fled from Karen areas in Myanmar where the Burmese Army is attacking civilian villages. The contacts who delivered these Bibles also delivered food aid. When the Sqaw Karen Bibles were distributed a Karen pastor gave a short message. This is rough translation of what he preached:

"God had a purpose when he created people and that is for people to be free, but to be free we must pay the price. We must pray. So what we can do now is that we can pray to God for everyone. Like the Bible said, nothing is impossible with God. God can do everything. Everyone has to pray to be free. But pray in faith. Pray for everyone. And if we pray with simple words, God understands us. We don’t need high sounding words. Like God said in the Bible: Before you pray I will answer you and I will listen to your prayer. Before we pray God already knows what we are going to pray, so he understands our words. God will answer our prayer if we are happy in God’s power and strength and if we serve him and have a happy heart. God hopes that every one of the young people, even those who don’t know their left hand from their right hand, will know the love of God. God wants them to be free. God doesn’t want only American people and Canadian people to be free. But God also wants the Karen people to be free. God loves everyone equally. If Karen people pray and American people pray, they are praying to the same God and God is listening to all of our prayers. I want to end my words here by saying that God loves you and everyone who helps you by sending Bibles and food loves you. One of the most important things is that we need to pray for ourselves, that God would help our families and village and then our people. Pray for the advice from God for our leader and advice for those who lead the family that they will know the will of God and lead in the ways of God. Pray and God will answer your prayer. I don’t know you but I love you. Yesterday I went to the place called Pay Per Lue and I rode a motorbike and when I came back I had back pain. So people said because I had back pain that I don’t need to go serve you people, but I feel I must keep going and serving. This evening I will go back and find a pig and a goat and we will eat together. The food is not the most important thing, but the most important thing is God’s love. God’s love is for everyone."

To read more about the Sqaw Karen and our work with them, please visit: bibliaglobal.org/karen

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