Is Salt Bad for ME??? (Hidden Research) 2021

5 years ago

Is salt bad for me, or you? This question has plagued doctors and patients since the 1960's, even though the answer is very clear. You won't believe the research that has been used to recommend how much salt you should eat!

Salt tastes great, and we all love it. Are we silly salt addicts who just can't control ourselves, or are we supposed to eat salt daily for proper function and health? Is salt something our body needs, or a poison that we should avoid as much as possible? This important question needs to be answered.

Does the amount and type of salt we eat matter? Should we buy the cheapest salt we can find, and then eat the least amount of it we can? Or, should we buy a quality salt, and then eat it whenever we want it? These are the questions I address in this video.

My Favorite Salt:

Great Book on Salt:
Great Iodine Supplement:

Cochrane Library:
AmerJHTN Meta-Analysis:
Sci.Amer. Article:
NEJM Article:
Dr. Jan Staessen, head of the Research Unit on Hypertension, University of Leuven - Belgium, “The evidence relating blood pressure to salt intake does not translate into an increased risk of incident hypertension in people consuming a usual salt diet.”
Dr. Andrew Mente, of McMaster, University in Canada “We found that regardless of whether people have high blood pressure, low-sodium intake is related to more heart attacks, strokes and deaths compared to average intake,”
Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac. - " The amount of conflicting research that exists on salt is astounding. Hundreds of studies have been conducted on salt intake, and a consistent pattern has never been established for sodium’s role in a variety of negative health outcomes. At a minimum, it seems absurd that so much time, energy, and money is spent on trying to reduce the amount of salt that Americans eat, considering how weak the evidence is on this issue."

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Great Website:

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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