Russia in Ukraine- Has Putin painted himself into a corner

2 years ago

Russia in Ukraine- Has Putin painted himself into a corner
The consequences of the war after one week are staggering. Death and destruction on the ground in Ukraine. A massive exodus of refugees. Scenes of fierce resistance from Ukrainian soldiers and ordinary people - and a President who's rallied much of the world around his cause. Meanwhile Russia has become increasingly isolated and its economy is in freefall. We take a closer look back now at the events of the past week.
And the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution demanding Russia immediately stops using force against Ukraine and withdraws its military from the country.
The historic non-binding resolution was backed by 141 out of 193 member states - with only five countries voting against. Before the vote, Ukraine's ambassador to the UN accused Russia of seeking to commit genocide in his country, and called on the world to stand together against Moscow's aggression.

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