275 – Paul Freeman – The Legendary Hunters of Texas

2 years ago

Paul Freeman is a Navy Veteran who worked in VFA-201 Hunters Reserve Navy Squadron as a maintenance chief.

I got to meet Paul through TSP-The Scuttlebutt Podcast. Paul served with Richard Fleek and I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about this storied Naval Aviation Squadron.

I started off by reading the book that Paul wrote that chronicles the history of VF-201/VFA-201 from 1976 with the F-8s to being decommissioned in 2007. Paul talked about his experiences with the book and how he came to support the Gary Sinise Foundation with the proceeds from The Legendary Hunters of Texas. You can find it by using this link to Amazon: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B071WBNMN7&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_TS75DD0SMZ07793MTEQX

In a way, VFA-201 is like other military units that are decommissioned. They are gone and sometimes can be forgotten. Paul wrote this book so that wouldn’t happen. Thank again to every Hunter who was Legendary!

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