Going through the tracks - 1. The Creation Of Soul

2 years ago

Going through the tracks that will be on the upcoming album "The Creation Of Soul". First out: Title track of the album!


The vision of ArchaicA based on the things that stand the test of time. And the wisdom of the prophets have withstood this test.

Inspired by Genesis.

"And Jehovah Elohim formed אדם Adam [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils נשמת חיים Neshemah Chaim (the breath of lives);
and אדם Adam became a נפש חיה Nephesh Chaiah (living soul)." - Genesis / Bereshit 2:7

Hebrew lyrics
Ha Neshama (The soul)
Shuv BaH'a'im (Has become living again)
Nephesh Chaiah (Term used in Genesis: Living Soul)
Mats'ah Darka (Found her way)

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