Consciousness vs Perception

2 years ago

A commentor on this video on YouTube caught a mistake. I said the word "perception" comes from a Greek root, but it comes from Latin. "Perception" is a noun of action from past-participle stem of the Latin verb percipere "to perceive."

Perceive (v): from Latin percipere "obtain, gather, seize entirely, take possession of," also, figuratively, "to grasp with the mind, learn, comprehend," literally "to take entirely," from per "thoroughly" (see per) + capere "to grasp, take," from PIE root *kap- "to grasp."

Both the Latin senses were in Old French, though the primary sense of Modern French percevoir is literal, "to receive, collect" (rents, taxes, etc.)

Perception (n): "the taking cognizance of” from 1610s. (Online Etymology Dictionary, retrieved Aug. 8, 2020)

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