What are Putin's goals, and can he achieve them through the ongoing war? [special edition pt. 4]

2 years ago

"On the Barricades" — s04e06 #onthebarricades

As we have stated numerous times in previous segments, there is no doubt that any war of aggression should be condemned. All such wars are bad, and it takes a psychopath to 'like' them. Moral statements and virtue signaling, on the other hand, are insufficient. Not least in Eastern Europe, which has once again become a theater of war. We must ask questions such as what caused this war (as we did in the previous section of this discussion) and what goals Vladimir Putin and his administration are attempting to achieve. And this is exactly what Boyan Stanislavski, co-host of "On the Barricades," will discuss with his guest, Pat Byrne, a longtime socialist activist, political analyst, and historian of the European left, in this installment.

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