Zelensky: Servant of the People

3 years ago

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Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, if not THE most corrupt.

Before he ran for the presidency, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a comedian who starred in the hit television series Servant of the People, where he played the role of a high-school history teacher in his 30s who won the presidential election after a viral video showed him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine.

Zelenskyy is backed by the CIA, the Globalist banking cartel and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Like Zelenskyy, the Azov Battalion's key backer is the infamous Cypriot-Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi. This is so, despite the fact that both Zelenskyy and Kolomoyskyi are Jewish.

Zelenskyy's and Kolomoyskyi's names appeared prominently in both the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers.

On February 22nd, Ilia Kyva, a member of the Ukrainian parliament from the Opposition Platform For Life (OPPL) party, posted on Telegram that Zelenskyy has accumulated more than $1.2 billion US dollars during the first two and half years of his presidency, stored in multiple accounts at Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica, saying:

"Regular replenishment in ragged tranches of $12 to $35 million comes through various channels, such as from Rinat Akhmetov and Viktor Pinchuk through First Union Bank and Deutsche Bank, as well as Ihor Kolomoyskyi from his Geneva accounts at Banque Nationale de Paris."

Kyva added that the movement of such funds would be impossible without the assent of the German and French authorities.

Kyva also claims that Zelenskyy bought a villa in Miami for $34 million, as well as several sets of jewelry for $5.6 million.

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