Hegelian Dialectic — how to defeat it?

3 years ago

Hegelian Dialectic

Such a powerful tactic of control used by our enemy. How is it applicable today?

We understand that the mainstream media news cycle is meticulously controlled and coordinated to advance agendas. But we often don’t consider the specific mechanisms of psychological warfare exerted to maintain control of the launching pad for social discourse.

Even in the current reality of a mass divergency from the mainstream monopoly on information & the growing dissent against obvious agenda-pushing slants, consequential talking points to shape narratives and define the trajectory of culture within a society is still largely dictated by the Deep State MSM machine.


The reason is shifting sand. We are trying to defeat deceptions with truth, but it’s an uneven playing field as the manipulator sets the boundaries for the false paradigm to take into account the equal weight counter opposition.

Master deceivers understand the limitations of lies and how to maximize potency & impact. When we expose the lies and hypocrisy within the design of the Dialectic, we are at the mercy of the designer.

There was no consequential impact from our efforts to expose the lies behind the Covid medical tyranny & the bioweapon crimes against humanity within the boundaries of our expected opposition & public absorption of information set forth by the master deceiver DURING the designated time slot for that Dialectic.

Today the limitations of those boundaries are less hindering and public absorption of specific counter points is obtainable. But the sands of relevancy has shifted, so the expected counter points of truth lack potency. The launching pad for impact was successfully stunted.

Public attention has been successfully repositioned over to the conflict in Ukraine.

With a single flip of the script we went from trying to combat the suppression of tyranny to needing to combat the over-sensationalizing of tyranny.

Just like that the narrative has been turned upside down, and now a “protect freedom” movement is sweeping the globe to minimize the impact of our ammunition to pursue consequence for prior atrocities.

And yes, we can shift too. Now that the sands beneath our feet have moved, the manipulator fully expects us to pepper the indoctrinated public with warnings about how we are being conditioned to accept economic consequence as an effective way to defeat tyranny. We can let the people know that all they did was replace vaccines with sanctions as our new “savior” and global solution that we can all unite over!

But what will the impact of those efforts be? The timing of this social discourse was carefully planned, just like Covid. We won’t stop the spread of agendas by pointing out hypocrisy or past fallacies. People might be willing to concede they were wrong about Covid once enough time passes, but pride does not allow admittance of wrong thinking during the height of relevancy!

Will people listen when we explain the dangers of granting government power to sanction “tyranny” in whatever form they define & deem necessary? What do you think? Most likely not until it’s too late, just like the bioweapons, because we are fighting on the enemy’s terms.

The only way to defeat a Hegelian Dialectic is to step outside of the paradigm and attack it with Truth that is unhindered by the designers boundaries. Absolute Truth can crush a false dialectic because there is no way to account for it or make allowances for the crushing impact. But most of us don’t want to fight back with absolute truth because we desire vindication more than righteousness.

The Gospel message cuts right through the Hegelian Dialectic. The enemy has no defense for it. Relevancy cannot be manipulated to thwart eternity. That’s why the enemy will design deceptions to push, poke & prod us toward any counter offensives other than Jesus.

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