Shiobhan O'Brien, Nick Alvear's Hi VibeMusic Halftime Ritual DPietsch God Wins Super Bowl 2022 Seg.4

2 years ago

ENERGY is a vitally important element of our existence to pay attention to. We must look at the vibration and frequency of everything at this point, and utilize our deep discernment - with out personal filters and beliefs - in order to really grasp the ESSENCE of something. So much is distorted and being used as TRICKERY and DISINFORMATION. The energy of a dark arts ritual has a low density vibration AND much more. How we're going to move out of all of this dark agenda throughout the world is with Light and Love... Love is the most powerful force / energy on the planet. So during the halftime ritual we are gathered as a Unified Field of Light & Love to Counter the darkness as a protocol of Light!

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