Jesus is coming now to rescue His bride!!

3 years ago

Time is beyond up and Jesus is coming now not in may or September but now!! Time is up and thousands of people will just be gone and the lukewarm and wicked will be left behind, God is not playing around anymore and He will take only those who are ready to go and leave everyone else left behind!! One will be taken and one will be left behind, if you are lukewarm you will see thousands of people just gone and you are not taken at all and the entire world will change so very fast and there will be panic like you have never seen before!! Planes fall out of the sky, cars are piled up everywhere, people are screaming where Is my baby!! Wars break out everywhere all at once, people start killing each other, going into houses and stealing, crime gets so bad and no one will care, pastors who did not preach for God are left behind and their members scream where are the people who were taken why did you not tell us about the rapture!! Money is now worthless and rich people will lose it, banks close down, news will say aliens took us which is a lie, the antichrist then steps up and calms everyone down and says he is the Messiah and will make a treaty with Israel and will tell everyone to get rid of everything they believe in and only believe in him and to get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and worship him, the 7 year tribulation is no joke at all and so many people who laughed Jesus is not coming back will moarn when they are left behind and the entire world turns into hell and madness like no one has ever seen breaks out!! God will then pour out His tribulation judgements the 7 trumpet judgements, the 7 Bowl judgements and the seals which are opened now and the 7 seal is the start of the tribulation period!! Time is up and you can't get ready now that is over and the door is now shut!!! Noah was spared from the flood, lot and his family were spared from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and those who are truly born again and accepted Jesus are spared from God wrath being poured out in the tribulation period, it is not a game anymore!!

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