The Unveiled Patriot - Convo #14: The Return of Adriana Albritton

2 years ago

The Return of Adriana Albritton…

Author, Blogger, Fitness Enthusiast and owner of her company Fit N All… is back to pick up where we left off and add more to the stew!

We are back at it and getting a bit more into the New York COVID madness… involving specifically her lawsuit to Governor Hochul… the insane laws being passed in NY… children with masks and vaccines… Big Pharma… Government Corruption…the importance of local grassroots activism and education towards our constitution and rights…

We also dared to get into the Canadian Trucker Convoy, Justin Trudeau and the interesting stuff happening in UKRAINE and how our trustworthy media is reporting on it…

No, we do not think we are foreign policy experts. You can change the channel if that isn’t your cup of tea.

Much more here and there and in between per usual… great convo over some wine and vodka… love chatting with Adriana! Go read her articles!

Enjoy. Or not.

Yours Truly.

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