BREVNER - More of Us

2 years ago

Original video: (4:09)

I can't help but look around and feel like things are getting out of hand We've been told to trust the science, but the science just doesn't make sense They say it isn't mandatory, but they also say "your jab, or your job" But if it doesn't stop the spread, it makes it feel like this is just a facade What about the health care workers? What about the frontline nurses? How quickly we forget that they were working 18 hours a day What about informed consent? What about due diligence? It seems like the country that I used to call home is surely slipping away

I can't help but look around and feel like things are slowly starting to change 'cuz even if you're triple vaccinated, know that segregation isn't the way Freedom is a choice, and its available to all if we chose But first things first, you gotta turn off the news What about the health care workers? What about the frontline nurses? How quickly we forget that they were working 18 hours a day What about informed consent? What about due diligence? It seems like the country that I used to call home is surely slipping away

If you're late to the party, there's plenty room at the table This side don't discriminate I'm calling on every single man, woman, child if they're able It's time to take the streets and liberate But please don't be a part of the problem, staying wilfully ignorant 'cuz there's just way too much at stake Yo, it's OK to change your mind, you can admit you were wrong 'cuz where there's perfect Love, there ain't no shame Heavenly Father, show me what I don't understand yet I got my marching orders, I don't fully know the plans yet Hold on to my Bible before bed, no it ain't banned yet Did you know the makers of the vaccine make the Xanax? I would never lean on corporations for morality 'cuz they put their profits over people for their salaries I know trying to make you bend the knee for your normality I know you're feeling all alone, but in reality

There's way more of us than them.

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