The Religion of Wokeism

3 years ago

One of the hallmarks of a Totalitarianism government is their need to establish widespread conformity to a psychotic narrative, even if it's a totally delusional official narrative which has little or no connection to reality, or one which can easily be contradicted by a preponderance of objective facts. Such is the case with the far-Left's "Woke," narrative, which has become something akin to a religion. Conceived by the CIA and the social engineers at the Tavistock Institute, who gave us the Feminist Movement, The Cultural Revolution, and more recently, The BLM Movement, "Wokeism" is just another tool used by the ruling class to divide our country even further than they already have in their 100 year-old quest to destroy America, and herd what remains of our broken society into the waiting arms of their New World Order.

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