Becca Murder - “Giant Falling Stars, Doom”

2 years ago

“Giant Falling Stars”

Lyrics: “The locks have been changed
Encounter open disdain
One of these days they’ll call you deranged
He who betrayed us all
Will answer Satan’s call
Who thought there’d be plenty for all
Feasting on feathered animals cannibals of a bright winged beauty
Could you take care of a human cutie for 18 years straight
Focused on Joy
At what Rate
Do you grow a baby boy?
That comes from inside you
Is there when you’re old
But I’m between a soul is shining gold
One son of War
Pay tribute to the fallen
You know the Dark Lord is callin
When you see the light doesn’t mean shit
So please don’t wait for it”

Lyrics: “Doom
Doom is your fate
Doom is your slate
If it weren’t for Doom there’d be no sunshine
No sons of war with golden hue
No blood spilt on Mars
No giant falling stars
No Virus Crept Upon Us
No Genocide
No Mass Graves
No Standing Thomas
No Piper leading us into the Forest
No Haunted House
No Rape Room
No Death
No Escort to the Underworld
All I hear
All I see
Is Dooom” - Becca Murder

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