Sacred Shamanic Sexual Healing for Spiritual Enlightenment

2 years ago

In this video you'll learn how we can benefit ourselves from the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon in our own bodies and in our own relationships.

In recent videos, I’ve been explaining how this alchemical marriage is vital for growth and fertility, and that it is found in every aspect of Nature from the smallest atom to the most gigantic galaxy.

So you will know that alchemical working of the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon is vital for the successful continuance of the human race, and for all life on Earth. Well, don’t worry … it is never going to stop.

But what can be a problem for us – in the here and now – is when we are deliberately left in ignorance about how it works, so that we are prevented from using what Mother Nature uses to make her empire blossom and bloom, blossom and bloom in our lives.

It is literally the life-giving amrit or soma of divine love that makes the world go round, while it’s opposite – if we should choose to follow that path – poisons the ground into a sort of arid wilderness or desert in which human beings find it difficult to thrive.

These teachings on the elixir of life – or Mysteries as they have been referred to for thousands of years – have always been known about by the wise ones, the mages and sages, or the Grailkeepers if you like, whose role it is to protect the holy grail of this knowledge and seed it into people’s hearts through the arts.

The comings and goings on the world stage of different kings and princes with differing ideas on how to govern, have meant that the Grailkeepers have had to conceal the Mysteries of this elixir of life in nursery stories or songs or plays.. such as the works of Shakespeare, penned not by one brilliant but otherwise ordinary and unremarkable man from Stratford, but by a group of Rosicrucian playwrights who shrouded these Mystery Teachings in their plays for those who had the eyes to see.

The underlying message is most obvious, to me anyway, in their fairy romp, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. You may remember it … the Sun, the fairy king Oberon, has fallen out with the Moon, the fairy Queen Titania…This rupture between them was turning the Earth into a virtual wasteland. And so it takes the trickster antics of Puck, aka Mercury, to bring reunite them and for Nature to thrive again.

The bare bones of that plotline perfectly describe the seven-stepped alchemical processes that lead to the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon and the birth of the Child of Philosopher, otherwise known as the Philosopher’s Stone.

If you’d like a more detailed breakdown of the metaphors of the Grailkeepers in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and what they mean, it’s in Chapter 4 of my book, The Sacred Sex Rites of Ishtar.

In this video, though, you'll receive a taster of what else you would learn from that book.
ART: Ink by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
MUSIC: space-distant-moons by LCM Music from Pixabay
We Confidently Go To VIctory by Alex Make Music from Pixabay
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