Help me expose the ostrich mob with their heads buried deep in the sands of deceit

2 years ago

Sophistry is the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving:
example: "trying to argue that I had benefited in any way from the disaster was pure sophistry"
Synonyms for deception; hypocrisy, cunning, treachery, guile, duplicity, insincerity, legerdemain, dissimulation, craftiness, fraudulence, deceitfulness, deceptiveness
What do the Scriptures say about those who employ such means?
Colossians 2:8 ESV: See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Ephesians 4:14 ESV: So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.
In response to an article entitle Sex and Leadership written buy an acquaintance of mine Andre van Heerden, I became engaged in a conversation with one of Andre’s readers. Andre van Heerden's article dealt with the distinct roles that men and women play in the workplace. In this postmodern world we're Cultural Marxism Critical Theory not only tries to make things all things equal but all things the same, I left a sarcastic remark attached to the feed below Andre's article. One of the ostrich mob, namely those who live with their heads permanently in the sand, grew enraged at my poor and perhaps vulgar attempt at humor. What's fascinating to me, at least, is the inability of the radical left to admit the failures of their own attempts at social engineering.

My wife is one of the first of two women to graduate from Naval Academy (sjøkrigsskolen) in Bergen Norway. She attended Naval Academy at a time when the social engineers in Norway we're trying to prove that women are men, that men are women, and that women are manly. My wife quickly learned that she could not be the best man in the Navy but rather the best woman. Yet although she was an exemplary officer, the role that she fulfilled in the Navy and the Coast Guard was not identical to the roles that men played. Undoubtedly her contribution was equally valuable, but it was not the same. And inevitably, as young women do when they reach a certain age and her biological clock was ticking, she and her ex decided to have a child. During her maternity leave she attended further training at the Naval School of Staff at Akershus Fortress in Oslo which was roughly the equivalent of completing a master’s degree. Since her child had not yet been weaned it was necessary to have the baby brought to her so she could breast feed the little fellow. Herein lies an example of the militaries utter inability to accommodate the difference in sexes. She was placed in a broom closet and asked to sit in an office chair where she was to breast feed her infant son. Needless to say, an office chair was not an ideal place to sit while attempting to breastfeed a baby. Repeatedly the armed forces showed an utter ignorance, or perhaps willful blindness, of how to accommodate women in the armed forces. And at this time, she was already a senior officer. If such treatment was given to senior officers, you can only imagine how difficult it is for female non-commissioned personnel. And yet the social engineers in Norway still insist all things were equal. When her maternity leave was completed, she returned to duty and reported to her commanding officer. She was then ordered to go north to Bodø which is within the Arctic Circle. With some shock and surprise my wife asked her commanding officer, “You wish me to go north to the Arctic Circle with an infant”? At which juncture he told her that she had to prove herself despite the fact did she had served in the Navy and the Coast Guard for seven years and had done exemplary service. At this point she resigned her Commission knowing that all the reason in the world wasn't going to change an experiment in social engineering that was doomed to fail from the start.

With Cultural Marxist Critical Theory science is subservient to furthering the Cultural Revolution. Facts therefore must be made to conform to the ideology. Any facts which dismiss or negate the ideology must be attacked with ad hominem illogical fallacies because speech itself, indeed the very words we use, must be made into tools to further the revolution. Andre van Heerden had meet a very valid point in his article, one with which I heartily agreed. Yet the fellow previous mentioned previously became enraged at the fact that I had used sarcasm to reinforce Andre’s point. And there's another amazing aspect of management consultants, managers manage businesses that produce things, either via production, servicing or selling. Almost invariably whenever I read an article on management consulting it appears to me that the consultant has utterly forgotten that managers manage workers, and the workers must have the proper tools and information to do their job correctly the first time. Workplace organization, shopfloor management, problem solving, proper maintenance of equipment, production methods, process flow mapping, pFMEAs and Control Plans seldom seem to enter into the equation. Which leaves me wondering what on earth do these consultants think managers manage?

The outraged fellow in question claims to be a professor at a business college here in Canada. At this juncture both my wife and her brother, who is a retired Colonel from the Norwegian Air Force, were engaged in this conversation. My brother-in-law is an extremely successful businessperson with a global clientele. He lives at a villa in France while maintaining a global network of partners and customers that he's served very successfully for years. This alleged business professor expressed clearly that free market economic liberty, the rule of law, and constitutional constraints on democracy we're attacks on democracy. He told me that I hated democracy because I reminded him that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the supreme law of the land and that therefore the government cannot pass any legislation, even at the local level, that contradicts the Charter. His rage was particularly directed at the Freedom Convoy 2022 who were protesting the government's unconstitutional restriction of movement throughout the dominion of Canada as well as in exiting and returning to Canada. Freedom of movement is guaranteed in the Charter. No law can be passed which limits it, nor can people be forced to have medical procedures which goes against their conscience. This is why Trudeau attempted to ram the emergency measures act through parliament even though the requirements of enacting the emergency measures act had not been met because our PM hoped to do an end run around our Charter. This alleged business professor became practically violent in his attack against not only me but against my brother-in-law and my wife. But better yet, he contradicted himself several times in his own argument while lying about his own military career. When I exposed these contradictions, he erased all of his remarks and left the discussion. Which is a darn pity because I collect postmodern diatribes like a philatelist collects rare stamps with this exception, the ostrich crowd parrot one another’s talking points like they can share the same brain.

I have several thoughts about this. Firstly, it's astounding that a person who's a professor in business seems to know so little about doing business. Secondly, that Canadians appear to be utterly ignorant of limited constitutional government functions with its separation of powers; the role of the executive, that of the legislature and that of the judiciary. Without these brakes, without these limits, we won't have democracy, we will have mob rule. Yet that is exactly what the woke mob wants. Out of an attempt to make all things the same their own argument deconstructs itself as reality hits them right in the kisser. Men are not women. Men do not menstruate. Women cannot become men. The nuclear family is the most successful model for raising children in a healthy and moral manner. The desire of Postmodern Cultural Marxist Critical Theorists is to deconstruct civil society while labeling any who happened to notice that they're taking aim straight at normalcy. Their response is to label us as homophobic, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, and sexist. Once again, the raging Postmodern Mob have divided society into an us versus them mentality where we will either agree with their failed attempts at social engineering or be pilloried and vilified for objecting. Instead of embracing our greatest legal inheritance, namely that of English Common Law under which all are deemed to be equal before the law, they have redivided society based upon race, creed, sex, colour, ethnicity, and social status. If we do not stop them using all means at our disposal, their sophistry will dispose of us. Know them by their fallacious arguments and mark their deceit. To them the only narrative permitted is the narrative which furthers the Cultural Revolution, calling all of us a fringe minority holding unacceptable views. Yesterday we exposed one of them, and he took his toys and ran away because his hypocrisy, cunning, treachery, guile, and duplicity couldn’t stand once it has been brought to light. I hope you will all help to do the same when you encounter the ostrich mob with the heads buried deep in the sands of postmodern delusion. `

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