Elden Ring - Cemetery Shade - Review

2 years ago

Cemetery Shade is a step in the wrong direction and takes boss quality back to Soldier of Godrick but at least the Heartless inspired design looks nice. This fight plays out about the same however due to the running only strategy I was applying, there wasn't many openings for me to attack or backstab. Before this boss there were others that were backstab capable however I wanted to explore the hitboxes instead of using them too much. Since the recovery time was very quick I decided to use this small moment where the boss walks slowly distinctively with a untrack posterior. I switched back to the club in this fight because I wanted to display all of the attacks however one attack never activated which was a projectile that was simply to evade by running directly to either without adjusting the distance. This fight should have been shorter but I assumed the club would be just enough for a minute of battle however I overestimated the pacing of backstab openings. One combo in particular was very deadly to get caught in and was the main reason why the running approach wasn't viable for me along with the teleporting. This boss would have been better if it was bigger and like the Old Hero from Demon's Souls. To wrap up, I wasn't a fan of this boss. The move set is shallow and the Risk vs Reward is underwhelming to the point where I needed to create a challenge to make it more interesting.

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