POWERFUL Testimony on Freedom, COVID-19, the War in Ukraine, and Finance

2 years ago

NEW information from the Corona Investigative Committee. POWERFUL testimony by multiple experts around the world. Testimony by Dr. July Mikovits (around 1:08), soldiers in Poland about the Ukraine war (around 2:18), Edward Dowd (around 2:54), Dr. Stephanie Seneff (around 4:07), and others. The only way to defeat the evil that is lying to the people of the world is for people to understand how much they are lied to by their own governments and those who wish to enslave them or end their lives to establish the global New World Order government. The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory! (for more information please see Part 2 of the Grand Jury and/or Part 8a of my series on The Virus). Please share information with your friends and family. The people of God must destroy this evil, fascist (continued Nazi) New World Order on Earth. God did not intend for humans to be the slaves of other humans!

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