Archangel Metatron via Takeli - 19 Dec 2021

2 years ago

My first video, working with Archangel Metatron in this way...a learning curve, however, the first of many more to come :)
Takeli MMagdalen is contracted to be a Messenger for Archangel Metatron during these times of much change and transition of ourselves and our world.
Takeli's lengthy experience of Mediumship for a wide range of Guides has laid the groundwork for what is now being conveyed by Archangel Metatron. As always, those contracted for such journeys are moved rapidly through a vast amount of Healing, that they be a suitable vessel for their Guiding Focus.
As a Starseed and a Lightworker, Takeli's Mission is to be of Service to Humanity, and to Mother Earth: that all those who desire it, are prepared for the culmination of this Great Shifting of Conscious Presence, into the Higher Light Frequency they are equipped to move into, at the final moments of immense Transition and Transformation.
Takeli offers one on one channelled sessions with Archangel Metatron.
She is currently located in Western Australia.

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