Jacob Sees The Lord (Come Follow Me The Bible Old Testament Genesis 28-33) February 28-March 6

2 years ago

Jacob sees and wrestles the Lord; Esau and Jacob as examples of the Prodigal Son story; The importance of true love; and Going astray after false gods. Come Follow Me The Old Testament Genesis 28-33.

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Come increase your testimony of Jesus Christ through the expository preaching of Dr. D. Todd Harrison. Having testified of Jesus Christ and His Church to more than 20 million people, and with more than 585,000 followers on Facebook alone, Dr. Harrison is one of the most well respected and followed Church Leaders/Preachers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thousands have reached out to the missionaries for baptism or for further study after hearing his videos or having read his written messages. Many of these are now currently serving as full time missionaries for the Church. Come join us for his Spirit filled preaching.

For all past videos archived, and for weekly written messages: Join Dr. Harrison on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrDToddHarrison/

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