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15 seconds

Russia vs Ukraine: disaster or diversion - or both? Our Lady of Fatima and Consecration of Russia; The goals and gains of Lent

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In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele discuss whether the Russian invasion into Ukraine could lead to World War III; similarities between current events and Robert Hugh Benson’s novel about the Antichrist, Lord of the World; the news media’s focus on the Russia-Ukraine war as a diversion; whether the Orthodox could return to the Church in the era of Francis and the Novus Ordo; ties between the Russian invasion and our Lady of Fatima’s request for the consecration of Russia; the consecration of every Catholic to Mary’s Immaculate Heart; a viewer’s question about Francis’ visit to the Russian ambassador; whether Putin was backed into a corner by U.S. policies; and finally, Father tells us how we can have a fruitful Lent, making the most of this opportunity, knowing that our Lord wants to grow in us the fruit of charity unto everlasting life, and that it is not too late to let Him work in the soil of our heart.

This video was livestreamed on 3/01/2022.
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  • 0/2000
  • Program actually begins around 11:30

  • amen amazing thank you for your insite praise the lord 🙏