Episode 54. Part 2. Wheel of Time Ch. 29-39. Free Will and Ta'veren

2 years ago

****Spoilers for Book (Within the listed chapters) and Series***
We separated the WoT discussion for those that just come for that. Here we start where we left off. Perrin and Egwene are with Elyas. We discuss the flight from the Ravens right into the Whitecloaks. The impact of trauma on development.
Rand and Matt are on their own now and again we see the maturation process of Rand. His having to take care of Matt is a major growth experience he will need going forward.
Last we get philosophical. Fate is a major theme in the books. The wheel of time weaves the pattern and ta'veren are major threads within the pattern. This was a long awaited discussion before we started the book series but Jordan gave us the perfect backdrop.

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