How Technocracy is Murdering Freedom

2 years ago

Technocracy is the science of social engineering and the Soviet-style economic system that's being crammed down the throat of the world by the thirteen central banking families, by and and through their Agents, who planned and carried out this COVID-19 PSYOP on their behalf. It's their goal to kill Free Market Capitalism, replace ("reset") the world's existing financial system; take control of the world's natural resources; depopulate the planet; and enslave all who remain thereafter under a comprehensive, high-tech system of enslavement that they will control forever.
For the hereditary elite, creating this New World Order system has been a multi-generational task that began in the early 20th Century. Since then, these thirteen central banking families, who wrestled control of our nation's monetary system away from the American People in 1913, have used their exclusive right to issue unlimited amounts of unbacked, unredeemable currency to essentially buy up and/or gain control over our governments, our economies, our schools, our churches, as well as 98% of all mainstream media outlets. Why wouldn't they do that?
Using the incredible power that they have accumulated over the past century, they chose this moment in time, a time when their fraudulent, fiat monetary system is on the brink of collapse, to launch this frontal, in-your-face assault on humanity, seizing control of the entire planet under the guise of reacting to a viral pandemic, which they manufactured.
Now, the hereditary elite intend to utilize this manufactured crisis, which they have been planning for decades, in order to carry out their final coup détat over mankind. This is their Hail Mary Pass.
So, make no mistake about it. If we fail to rise up and bring all of the demons who planned and participated in this greatest crime ever committed in human history to Justice, and reform our criminal governments, and then establish better safeguards to secure our freedoms, then those who survive the Great Culling that's currently underway, will soon be living in a New Dark Age.

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