The Amazing Heresies of Benedict XVI part 4 of 7

2 years ago

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This video shows that Benedict XVI is a manifest heretic. It shows that Benedict XVI teaches:

• that Our Lord may not be the Messiah

• that the Old Covenant is valid

• that Jews and others can be saved without believing in Christ

• that schismatics and Protestants don't need conversion

• that non-Catholics are not bound to accept Vatican I

• that Protestant Monasteries should be formed

• that Protestantism is not even heresy

• that Mass is valid without words of Consecration

• that infant baptism has no purpose

• that Scripture is filled with myths

• that he esteems other religions

• that the false religion of Islam is noble

• that pagan religions are high

• that salvation can be had outside the Church

• that Catholic dogmas need to be purged

• that Vatican II rejected Catholic teaching on religious liberty

• that the unity of the Church does not exist

• that the Resurrection of the Body will not occur

This video contains unparalleled research that has been derived from reading 24 books and many speeches from Benedict XVI.

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