2 years ago

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Staff at a local college forced a young football star to get the Covid-19 experimental gene therapy, authorized under emergency use and is now suffering from labored breathing and needs to go to see a cardiologist.

We have heard this story over and over again with our young people. Eough is enough with giving them these injections and irreparably injuring and harming them if they are lucky, and killing them if they are not.

Given all of the states and countries that have banned these injections, how is it even possible that we are still administering these injections to the people and children in our communities? How is it possible that colleges and schools are allowing injection squads to prey on the children inside those schools with drugs and medical procedures they know are harming a lot of people?

This behavior and conduct needs to stop immediately, and all of the individuals involved at this college, the county and state who are responsible for forcing this young man, and others to take these life changing shots, need to be held criminally and civilly accountable.

District Attorneys and Attorney Generals need to do their jobs and protect the people they have sworn an oath to protect. Judges need to hear these cases, have the evidence presented and rule on every case justly, fairly and accordingly.

We here at The Experience Media appreciate you trusting us to deliver to you, news you can trust. News that you can rely on. News that you know has been vetted and screened. News that gets you to ask questions of those in our community who are doing wrong and injuring others, and depriving them of happiness.

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