The people are comparing notes. What is the plural of 'anecdote'?

2 years ago

Many 'scientists' who are also brainwashed, believe that severe injuries after vaccination are just coincidence. Where others are condescendingly called anti-vaxxers, science deniers or conspiracy thinkers, these people should be called coincidence thinkers or vaccine injury deniers.

They use the term 'anecdote' to mean a piece of data that has no scientific worth whatsoever. It's a euphemism for 'junk'. According to them, the only worthwhile data comes from large prospective double blind randomized placebo controlled trials. The plural of 'anecdote' to them is 'anecdotes', which means more junk.

To any reasonable person, the plural of 'anecdote' is 'data'. It may not be perfect data, but it is still data. If one previously healthy person has a severe injury very shortly after vaccination, it could be coincidence. If you see this pattern happen in enormous numbers, it shows a likely causal relation.

There are more factors that point to the COVID jabs causing all these injuries. The Bradford Hill criteria are a helpful tool to determine causality. See this excellent presentation by dr. Jessica Rose:

VAERS: Key Ways to Prove C19 Jab Harm Causation


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