Pulling Series, progressed inverted row

2 years ago

Do you enjoy body weight training? Are you trying to build strength, muscle and be able to rattle off a bunch of pullups? The inverted row will condition your back muscles, mostly the upper back, traps, rear deltoids, preparing the ligaments and tendons as well as thickening the back.
You will see people do banded pullups, negatives etc but don’t even think to build strength with the mighty inverted row. I choose the feet planted version due to long femurs and a short torso. This was third set of 30. You can go slower or faster to change the stimulus, both will yield positive results. Keep a tight plank with glutes and abs engaged to keep a posterior pelvic tilt and avoid sagging.
Stop banging your head against the wall with a rubber band to get that first good pull-up. First build a foundation with the inverted row, then use the band to add volume. Also once doing great pullups, still use the inverted row. It’s the same as in the weight room, pull on multiple planes. 🌲☀️🌊

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