Klaus Schwab 2016 at World Government Summit - Could Be His Most Creepy, Most Sinister Yet

2 years ago

In 2016 Schwab gave what could be his most dystopian speech yet about the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“The future is already here. The future has begun. Let me tell you why this Fourth Industrial Revolution is so crucial,” he pontificated. Then continued:

“It’s not just one breakthrough it’s a combination of many breakthroughs at the same time. In the book [waives his book around], which is available to you, on a Fourth Industrial Revolution I mentioned 23 different pixels like the internet of things, like brain research and I could go on and on. Of course, drones, robots, artificial intelligence, and so on. And all those different technological advancements reinforce each other …

“… it changes not only what we are doing, it changes us. Because it’s a fusion of our physical, digital and biological spheres. It’s the integration of those spheres. Just think of sensors planted into our brains. The opportunities are immense …

“… and finally, we need good nerves. If I take the results of the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos just some weeks ago, I would say the key message is: the unthinkable, in many ways, has to become thinkable. And could become a reality …

“… this new technological revolution, it can provide the entry card for humanity into a new civilization. It’s not the roboticisation of humanity, it’s to make this earth a real human place … that’s what we are all here for, to work together to create a more sophisticated, more enlightened humanity.”

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