The Kinsman Redeemer, A Study Through Ruth: Encountering the Redeemer 2:1-23

2 years ago

Last week, we saw Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem from Moab. This was a good thing; returning to God’s place is always a good thing. Moab offered nothing but graves and hopelessness. But even in her repentance (turning back), Naomi was gripped with grief and darkness. She certainly didn’t return with optimism. What we saw, however, is that she returned with Ruth—the faithful-former-Moabitess-turned-believer-in-Yahweh. And we also began to see that God hadn’t brought calamity upon them, rather, He is preparing the stage for their rescue, redemption, and joy.
Chapter 1 ends with the barley harvest just beginning. Our passage today opens the door on the drama that is beginning to unfold—although we don’t see the fruition just yet.
Ruth has embraced her new life in God’s place and is actively living by faith.
Chapter 2 also introduces us to the Christ-figure—Boaz, the kinsman redeemer.
As we unpack our passage, notice how Ruth’s life of faith, grace, and hope mirrors the lives of today’s Christ-followers. Also play close attention to how Boaz represented our True Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

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